Saba Island Diving: Dutch Treasures

Ken Riddick underwater photography of Saba Island reefs and fish in the Netherlands Antilles
©2004 Ken Riddick
Spotted Moray
Spotted moray eels are pretty common throughout the Caribbean.

On one of our lucky weather days, flat seas allowed us to move to the windward side of Saba. We found this spotted moray on the reefs around Green Island.

The island is a small rocky outcrop about 200 yards off the main island. Underwater it is an oblong vertical mass. We circumnavigated the small island, including a lovely little cave and lots of elkhorn coral, for 56 minutes at a maximum depth of 63 feet. Currents blowing around the structure made the swim alternately difficult and easy.

Mostly, they hang out during the day under a ledge, like this one. They can appear a little intimidating, working their jaws open and closed. But they are just breathing.

At night, they use their keen since of smell, prowling among the cracks and crevices of the reef for a meal.

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