Saba Island Diving: Dutch Treasures

Ken Riddick underwater photography of Saba Island reefs and fish in the Netherlands Antilles
©2004 Ken Riddick
Free Swimming Nurse Shark

Toward the end of our visit of Babylon reef Brad apparently spooked a small nurse shark that swung around the coral and straight at me before veering off. I think I was as surprised as it was.


It was a rare treat to see a nurse shark up off the reef floor and swimming free. But I was only able to grab a couple of quick shots – without adequate recycle time for the flash. I only include this flawed image because of the unusual circumstances of the free swimming nurse shark.


We saw other nurse sharks during the week but, as usual, they were sleeping up under ledges. One was so comfortable in its little sand bed that a couple of tugs on its tail didn't even stir it.

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