Saba Island Diving: Dutch Treasures

Ken Riddick underwater photography of Saba Island reefs and fish in the Netherlands Antilles
©2004 Ken Riddick
Sharptail Eel
There seemed to be sharptail eels on most of the dives. They were curious for many reasons.


Eels are always a treat to discover on the reef. They are beautiful and even appear a little dangerous. But usually they are found tucked up in a crevice, with only the formidable looking head peering out. It is common only on night dives to see them swimming freely among the coral.


On this trip we were lucky enough to see several free swimming sharptail eels, all during daylight hours. Each was apparently unafraid of us or diverted by its singular intent on finding prey. They are extremely beautiful, even elegant. These guys were inexhaustible in their efforts.

We even found one bright yellow one that must have been a juvenile.

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