Saba Island Diving: Dutch Treasures

Ken Riddick underwater photography of Saba Island reefs and fish in the Netherlands Antilles
©2004 Ken Riddick
Shadow Feeding

On this dive we were treated to one of those amazing teamwork tricks of reef life. The sharptail eel and the bicolor coney work closely together to the satisfaction of both. The behavior is called nuclear feeding or shadow feeding and the coney will “shadow” the sharptail as it noses among the holes and crevices in the reef.


Small fish can escape large fish by darting into holes but the sharptail’s sense of smell and body shape allow it to flush them out, often into the waiting jaws of the coney.


We dove Tent reef twice – the only reef we did twice. It’s a shallow reef and makes for a safe third dive of the day. Plus, the light is bright and there is a lot of life on this reef.

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